Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wow, am I really going to do this?

So, for awhile now, I've been looking for a way to break up the monotony of my day-to-day, fine, but ho-hum life. Sometime in the fall of 2007, I got the craziest idea when I was shopping in one of those "everything a dollar" establishments. What if I shopped exclusively at these stores for one year? Could I do it? Do they really, as it appears, sell everything that I need? I set a deadline of 1-1-08 to begin...........and that came...............and went. But I was still considering it (I need to ponder things for awhile). And then I wavered on my idea a little. I thought, instead of limiting something in my life (where I could shop), why not add to it? So then my idea was to visit 52 different churches/places of worship in 52 weeks. When I presented this idea to my 7 year old daughter, she actually started crying and asked why we couldn't visit 52 McDonalds instead. This made me think all the more that she needs religion in her life. But ultimately, I decided on the "everything a dollar concept."

So here we are, at the end of day one (really day two, but I didn't shop anywhere yesterday), and $80 poorer. Yes, I spent $80 hard earned dollars in one "everything a dollar" store. And I have to say, I feel like I got a lot. I bought produce (squash, apples, bananas, carrots, mangoes, potatos) and crackers and mouthwash and etc.... etc......etc..... One of my favorite items was an American Idol makeup kit, that includes three lip glosses and shadows, and two blushes. I was almost out of blush, and was concerned about how I would replace it, I didn't really want to have to start using alternative products (lipstick, powdered drink mix (I hear they do this in prison), marker....the list goes on), since I'm pretty sure there's going to be plenty of improvising in my future.

I'm concerned about the lack of bread, dairy products, and meat at these stores. I know I have seen packets of frozen salmon and halibut at some of the branches, I just have to remember which. And some advertise that they carry bread and milk products, though I know in some cases, the milk is in lunch room size cartons, which considering we go through 2 gallons a week, simply will not suffice. These are the things I need to figure out. I do know one thing for sure: none of these stores carry alcohol of any kind, and considering I work with children 50 hours a week, I NEED MY WINE! So that I will be purchasing wherever and whenever I can! Ali

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